You’re One-stop Guide to Learn More about Racial Justice Category Companies

There are many corporations around the world where the employer discriminate employees based on their skin color and ethnicity. They do not respect the rights of their employees due to specific reasons like racism and impose harsher penalties on them.

Light Money is a website run by Dianna Burkholder, a CSRIC who focuses on environmental racism among other things and seeks racial justice. As per the information gathered by them, minorities make up round 39% of the United States and corporations have a history of locating their working toxic facilities in communities of color. They also use PERI institute data for greenhouse and toxic gas emitting firms.

As per their requirement, a corporation needs to have less than 39% of greenhouse gas emissions in minorities communities and if not, the companies cannot be counted in the racial justice category. Contact Light Money to learn more about companies who are in the racial justice category and who are not.


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