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Prison profiteers have amassed enormous wealth from mass imprisonment and, as a result, have played a significant role in the incarceration of both adults and children in the United States. In the US, forced work in prison is nothing new. Light Money draws attention to these activities taking place in state-run jails using publicly available data from values-aligned NGOs and academic programs.

Inmates are used as cheap labor on high-profit items like US military helmets in addition to the sale of necessities in these operations for creating irrational profits employing prison labor.

The bail bond market in the United States has expanded along with the jail population, and it now generates around $3 billion in revenue annually. The prison labor market is worth more than $1 billion thanks to state-run prisons' millions in revenues.

Using information that is in the public domain, Light Money rates companies on our prison profiteering. A company is classified under prison profiteering if it fails to achieve the required scores based on its criteria.


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