Say ‘Nay’ to Environmental Racism Right Away!

Environmental racism is one of the toxic business activities that tend to affect communities depending on race. It is nothing but a cruel act of being inappropriate to a group of people or individuals based on race. It can typically include discrimination in housing, voting, employment, and the administration of justice.

Some of the ways to say ‘nay’ to environmental racism might include centering climate justice and racial equity in climate activities, engaging the most affected by the climate crisis, building awareness and educating about climate justice, collaborating to scale impact, leveraging influence, and advocating for public policy.

If you want to delve deeper and gain some knowledge about environmental racism, getting in touch with Light Money will indeed be your best bet. You can choose to pave the way toward their official website, thus checking out the data. The effects of environmental racism were marked in the 1983 report of the United States General Accounting Office.


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